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Nursing Home Abuse Involving Diabetic Patients 

 Posted on October 13, 2023 in Nursing Home Abuse

Chicago Nursing Home Neglect LawyerNursing homes play an essential role in providing care and support for older adults, including those with diabetes. It is disheartening to acknowledge that some nursing home residents become abuse sufferers, particularly those requiring specialized care for their diabetes. If you have a loved one with diabetes who you believe may be suffering from abuse in their nursing home facility, contact a lawyer in Illinois to ensure your loved one gets the legal guidance and protection they need. 

Abuse in the Context of Diabetic Patients

Diabetic patients require careful monitoring, medication administration, and management of their blood sugar levels. Unfortunately, some nursing homes fail to provide proper care, resulting in serious health consequences for the residents. Examples of abuse involving diabetic patients in nursing homes may include:

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Can Nursing Home Injuries Result in High-Dollar Settlements?

 Posted on October 09, 2023 in Nursing Home Abuse

Chicago Nursing Home Neglect LawyerNursing home injuries can indeed result in high-dollar settlements, especially in cases involving abuse, catastrophic injuries, and falls. Sadly, negligence and misconduct are too common in Illinois nursing homes. If your loved one has been badly injured in a nursing home, they may be eligible to recover significant compensation for their injury. Speak with a lawyer today to ensure your injured loved one can pursue the essential compensation they need to move on from their injury and continue their life.

Falls in a Nursing Home Are a Big Deal

Falls are no big deal for younger members of the population, as younger people tend to heal quicker from falls. However, falls can be devastating for older adults, resulting in serious injuries and prolonged recovery periods. Nursing home patients, especially those with limited mobility or medical conditions, are at a higher risk of falling. Suppose a nursing home resident falls and seriously hurts themselves, perhaps because of a lack of proper safety measures, regular monitoring, or because they do not have the necessary assistance with their mobility. In that case, residents can seek large damages to make up for the negligence and wrongdoing of the nursing home facility and its staff who were negligent. 

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How Long Will My Nursing Home Abuse Case Last?

 Posted on September 29, 2023 in Nursing Home Abuse

Chicago Nursing Home Neglect AttorneyBringing a nursing home abuse case is a serious matter that requires careful consideration and understanding of the legal process. While it is natural to wonder about the duration of legal cases like this, the timeline can vary significantly depending on different factors. If you are looking to pursue a nursing home abuse claim, contact a lawyer to begin the process. Discuss with your attorney how long you may expect the case to last. Experienced counselors have likely seen a wide variety of nursing home abuse claims and may have a better idea of the timeline you can expect from the case.  

Gathering Evidence and Filing a Complaint

The first step in any nursing home abuse case in Illinois is gathering evidence to support your claim. This may mean obtaining medical records, witness testimonies, photographs, or any other relevant evidence. Once the necessary evidence is collected, a complaint is filed against the facility or individual responsible for the abuse. This initial stage can take weeks or even months, depending on the case's complexity and the evidence's availability.

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Can Nursing Home Abuse Lead to Sepsis?

 Posted on September 13, 2023 in Nursing Home Abuse

Chicago Nursing Home Abuse LawyerNursing home abuse is a distressing reality that many vulnerable individuals face. Sadly, the consequences of such abuse can extend beyond immediate physical harm. One serious health complication that can arise from nursing home abuse is sepsis. If you have a loved one in a nursing home facility who is suffering from sepsis, contact a lawyer to ensure your loved one has the support and legal guidance necessary to ensure that their situation is improved to appropriate levels and that any injustices being perpetrated upon them can be taken care of immediately. 

Ways in Which Sepsis Can Result from Nursing Home Abuse

It must be noted that not every instance of sepsis in nursing home residents is because of abuse they have endured. However, sepsis can certainly be a serious warning sign of abuse that may be occurring behind the scenes. Here is how:

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Why Nursing Home Understaffing Often Leads to Tragic and Preventable Injuries

 Posted on August 28, 2023 in Neglect

Untitled---2023-08-28T124022.259.jpgNursing homes have a duty under Illinois state law to provide adequate staffing levels corresponding to the number and care needs of residents. However, understaffing continues to be a widespread problem that frequently results in devastating, avoidable injuries through neglect and oversight.

Nursing Shortages Lead to Rushed, Poor Care

Staff levels at too many nursing homes fall dangerously short of meeting resident needs. Too few nurses, certified nursing assistants (CNAs), orderlies, and attendants is an underlying cause of many nursing home tragedies. Staff shortages lead to incredibly rushed, low quality care as the limited staff scramble to care for too many people. Important aspects of care and supervision inevitably fall through the cracks.

Bedsores and Dangerous Infection

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4 Signs of Nursing Home Neglect to Look Out For

 Posted on August 11, 2023 in Nursing Home Abuse

nursing home neglectWhen an elderly person cannot live safely at home anymore, they may need to be placed in a skilled nursing facility. A nursing home’s main duty is to look out for the health and safety of its residents. Each individual living in a nursing home should have their particular needs met daily. Unfortunately, many nursing homes are currently severely understaffed. This may mean that your loved one’s nursing home may or may not have enough staff to provide the full amount of care they need. Even a nursing home that is well-staffed can be neglectful of residents. It is important to check up on your loved ones who live in nursing homes to make sure that they are receiving all necessary care. If your loved one has been harmed due to neglect in a nursing home, they may have a case against the home and be entitled to compensation. An attorney can help assess your particular situation to determine whether your loved one may have suffered harm caused by inadequate care. 

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When Can Wandering and Elopement Lead to Nursing Home Injuries?

 Posted on August 07, 2023 in Neglect

b2ap3_thumbnail_Untitled-94.jpgAs loved ones reach their later years, many families face the difficult decision of entrusting their care to a nursing home facility. These facilities are meant to provide a safe and secure environment for aging family members, ensuring that they receive the proper medical care, supervision, and assistance with their daily needs. Unfortunately, there are a variety of reasons why nursing home patients may be injured. In some cases, incidents of wandering and elopement can lead to dangerous situations that may cause an elderly person to suffer serious harm.

The Dangers of Wandering and Elopement

Wandering refers to patients who roam around unsafely and without proper supervision within the confines of a nursing home facility. This behavior can pose significant risks, as patients may get lost, trip over hazards, or become involved in altercations with other residents. On the other hand, elopement occurs when a resident leaves the facility unnoticed or without authorization.

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The 3 Most Common Medication Errors in Nursing Homes

 Posted on July 28, 2023 in Medication Errors

b2ap3_thumbnail_Untitled-85.jpgMedication errors in any type of medical facility can present a serious safety concern. While younger and healthier people may be better able to withstand minor errors in medication, the ill and elderly people who make up Chicago’s nursing home population can suffer serious harm after even a single mistake. While a younger and healthier person can often notice and speak up for themselves if they are about to be given the wrong medication, the average nursing home resident is unlikely to become aware of the error on their own. Nursing homes must take their duty to comply with industry standards for the protection of the elderly very seriously, or serious harm can come to a resident. If you have noticed changes in your elderly loved ones’ behavior or health, or if they have suffered an unexplained adverse health event, they may have been injured due to a medication error. An attorney can help you investigate further to determine whether your loved one may be owed compensation. 

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Nursing Home Abuse Facts You Should Know

 Posted on July 20, 2023 in Nursing Home Abuse

b2ap3_thumbnail_Untitled-50.jpgWhen an elder’s loved ones place them in a nursing home, it is generally to keep them safe. Senior citizens often reach a point where it is no longer safe for them to live at home. They may begin to need more care or more skilled care than their family members can provide. Or, incidents that occur in the elder’s home may signal to relatives that it is not safe for them to live alone anymore. The primary reason we move elders into designated care facilities is because we want them to receive all the care they need, delivered by trained professionals. If you have a loved one living in a nursing home, finding out that they have not received essential care may be among your worst nightmares. Sadly, nursing home abuse and neglect is more common than most people would like to think. It is important to check on your loved ones in nursing homes frequently so that you will know right away if they are not receiving the care they need. 

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How Understaffing Harms Nursing Home Residents

 Posted on June 29, 2023 in Neglect

Cook County Nursing Home Injury LawyerNursing homes often put profits over people. One way that they do this is by deliberately understaffing their facilities to save money on payrolls. Illinois has passed a law requiring certain staffing levels in nursing homes, but it is not yet effective. Understaffing can injure, or even kill, nursing home residents in a number of ways.

Residents Can Develop Infections

Nursing home staff perform a number of crucial functions that assist residents with activities of daily life. One key task is to change and toilet the residents when necessary. If a senior sits too long in unsanitary conditions, they may develop a urinary tract infection. Furthermore, staff must frequently change the resident’s position, so they do not develop pressure ulcers. Any minor infection can quickly become more serious without the proper care and supervision.

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