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Understanding the Difference Between Reasonable and Unreasonable Restraint at Nursing Homes in Illinois 

 Posted on March 08,2024 in Neglect

Chicago, IL nursing home wrongful restraint lawyerNursing homes play a crucial role in providing care and support for elderly residents. Unfortunately, sometimes residents have to be restrained for their own safety, especially if they have the potential to hurt themselves or others.

However, it can be very difficult to see someone you love being restrained. People often have concerns about the use of restraints in these facilities, leading to questions about the difference between reasonable and unreasonable restraints in Illinois. If you are afraid that someone you love is being wrongfully restrained in their care center and you would like to learn more about potential legal actions you can take, start with the basics of what you need to know about reasonable and unreasonable restraints in Illinois nursing homes. 

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Nursing Home Neglect and Heart Issues in Illinois

 Posted on February 29,2024 in Neglect

Chicago, IL nursing home injury lawyerNursing home residents with heart conditions require specialized care and attention to manage their health effectively. Sadly, instances of neglect in nursing homes can have serious consequences for residents with underlying heart conditions. Family members and caregivers must be especially vigilant in recognizing signs of neglect and taking appropriate action to ensure the well-being of their loved ones. If you have a loved one with a heart condition and they are suffering from abuse or neglect, contact a lawyer in Illinois right away. 

Medication Mismanagement Can Aggravate Heart Problems

One common sign of nursing home neglect in residents with heart conditions is a lack of proper medication management. Failure to administer prescribed medications on time in the correct dosage can have detrimental effects on residents with heart conditions, leading to complications such as heart failure, arrhythmia, and increased risk of heart attacks. Family members should monitor medication schedules and communicate with nursing home staff to ensure compliance with treatment plans. 

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Most Common Forms of Physical Abuse at Nursing Homes 

 Posted on February 22,2024 in Nursing Home Abuse

Cook County, IL nursing home neglect lawyerPhysical abuse in nursing homes is a serious issue that sadly occurs far too often. It can take many forms, ranging from hitting and slapping to restraining residents inappropriately. Understanding the most common forms of physical abuse in nursing homes is important if you have a loved one currently living in a nursing home facility. If you think your loved one is being physically abused at their nursing home facility, contact a lawyer in Illinois to seek a legal remedy to this disturbing situation.

Physical Abuse Can Take Many Forms 

One of the most prevalent forms of physical abuse in nursing homes is hitting or slapping residents. This type of abuse can leave visible marks such as bruises, cuts, or welts on the resident’s body. In some cases, the abuse may be ongoing, leading to long-term physical and emotional harm. Family members and caregivers alike must be vigilant in looking for any signs of physical abuse, such as unexplained injuries or changes in a resident’s behavior.

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Dehydration in Nursing Home Abuse Cases

 Posted on February 14,2024 in Malnutrition

Blog ImageWe trust that loved ones will be properly cared for when they enter nursing homes. Unfortunately, cases of nursing home abuse and neglect remain all too common, with one particularly alarming issue being dehydration. Dehydration can have severe consequences for the elderly population, leading to serious health complications and even death. If you are concerned your loved one is not receiving the hydration and care they need and deserve, contact an attorney in Illinois to ensure this matter can be dealt with promptly and with the full strength of the law

Recognizing the Signs of Dehydration

Dehydration occurs when the body loses more fluids than it takes in, and it can be particularly dangerous for older people. Family members should be aware of the following signs that may indicate dehydration:

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Can Bad Dental Hygiene Indicate Nursing Home Neglect?

 Posted on February 06,2024 in Neglect

Cook County, IL nursing home injury lawyerMaintaining good dental hygiene is crucial for overall health and well-being, especially for older adults residing in nursing home facilities. Sadly, neglect and poor care are prevalent concerns in nursing homes, and poor dental hygiene can be an indicator of neglect. If your loved one is suffering from bad dental hygiene in their nursing home and you believe neglect may be to blame, contact an aggressive lawyer in Illinois to pursue the legal remedies that may be available to them at this time.

The Importance of Dental Hygiene in Nursing Homes 

Proper dental care is essential for everyone but becomes even more critical for older adults. Neglecting dental hygiene can lead to various oral health problems, including gum disease, tooth decay, and infections. These issues can cause pain, difficulty eating, and even impact overall health. Nursing homes are responsible for ensuring that residents receive proper dental care to maintain their oral health and quality of life.

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How Understaffed Nursing Facilities Lead To Elder Malnutrition

 Posted on January 30,2024 in Malnutrition

Blog ImageThe struggle to maintain a suitable number of staff in nursing facilities has been an issue for many years. When nursing homes are understaffed, the standard of care is likely to plummet leading to resident neglect and as a result additional health concerns and complications. Malnutrition is a very real concern for all residents living in understaffed nursing facilities. If you have a loved one who is being mistreated or neglected in a nursing home, contact an attorney immediately to figure out what can be done.

Why Nursing Homes Are Understaffed

Many would like to blame COVID-19 as the catalyst that has led to a serious drop in nursing facility caretakers. Yes, COVID-19 did have a serious impact on an already problematic nursing shortage. However, the shortage itself started long before COVID-19 was even a thought. Nursing homes have experienced a low staff-to-patient ratio for decades which has led to too overworked staff and a high staff turnover rate. The poor pay combined with an increase in THE cost of living over the years has only worsened the shortage.

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Unclean Premises Can Lead To Health Concerns

 Posted on January 24,2024 in Nursing Home Abuse

Chicago elder abuse lawyerAn unclean nursing home is a form of elder abuse that can lead to poor hygiene and eventual health concerns among patients. Nursing homes and their staff are expected to meet hygiene standards and are obligated to meet the residents’ basic care needs which includes maintaining a sanitary environment. Failure to do so could lead to advanced injuries, illness, and even death in elderly residents. If your loved one is experiencing neglect when it comes to their basic needs or an unsanitary environment in the nursing home, it may be time to invest in a lawyer.

Infections Are A Serious Cause For Concern

Poor hygiene is prevalent in a poorly maintained nursing home which can lead to a rise in deadly infections. Sepsis is a very real possibility for residents in an unclean nursing facility. It is by far one of the worst situations that can occur. It is a life-threatening condition resulting in a reaction from a severe infection that can lead to organ damage and inflammation. It takes longer for the elderly to recover from sepsis if they do at all. Even after a possible recovery, long-term effects may remain, such as a weakened immune system.

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The Many Different Types of Elder Abuse

 Posted on January 10,2024 in Nursing Home Abuse

Chicago nursing home abuse lawyerThe last thing you want to worry about is a cherished family member being abused in a nursing home. These are their twilight years and should be spent enjoying peace and comfort. Sadly, harm can come to an elder inside these facilities in several different ways. Mistreatment and being taken advantage of are only some of the problems the elderly may face. For a full spectrum of how very real this problem is or if you have an aged loved one experiencing abuse, contact an attorney immediately.


The first form of abuse you would likely think of when hearing the word “abuse” is of the physical variety. Physical abuse can include inflicting bodily harm or pain on the elderly resident. This pain may come from being needlessly restrained or even starving. Bruises, cuts, lacerations, or fractured bones are not foreign to the elderly. However, should you notice the injuries seem unlikely to have been caused by an accident, or if the elder shows signs of fear toward certain individuals, it could suggest physical abuse. 

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Most Common Injuries From Falls in Chicago Nursing Homes

 Posted on January 04,2024 in Nursing Home Falls

Chicago Nursing Home Injury AttorneyNursing home fall injuries can result in serious health risks to elderly patients, including death. Sadly, falls happen far too often as the risk for them inside nursing homes is extremely high. The types of injuries that occur from a fall vary but some are more common than others. With nursing homes being generally understaffed, it is far too difficult to prevent every fall. For fall-related injuries that happen to one of your loved ones, an attorney can provide legal representation during such a trying time.

Causes For Falls in Nursing Homes

Falls occur for several reasons in nursing facilities but some reasons happen far too often. By addressing the following reasons, nursing homes may be able to reduce or eliminate the amount of falls that occur:

  • Sedatives

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Types of Falls in Chicago Nursing Homes

 Posted on December 28,2023 in Bed Sores

Chicago Nursing Home Neglect LawyerFalls are a serious concern in nursing homes, often resulting in severe injuries and even fatalities in the most serious of falls. When someone you love lives in a nursing home, it is essential to understand the different types of falls and their legal implications. Contact a lawyer in Illinois if falls are a concern of yours.

What Kinds of Falls Are Taking Place in Nursing Homes? 

  • Slips and trip falls – Slip and trip falls occur when a resident slips on a wet surface, trips over an obstacle, or encounters hazards like loose flooring or uneven surfaces. These falls can be caused by negligent maintenance, failure to clean up spills promptly, or inadequate supervision.

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