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What Injuries Can Result from Wandering and Elopement?

 Posted on December 21,2023 in Nursing Home Abuse

Chicago nursing home neglect lawyerWandering and elopement are serious concerns in Illinois nursing homes, especially for residents with cognitive impairments like dementia. These behaviors can lead to various injuries, compromising the safety and well-being of vulnerable individuals. If you have a loved one living in a nursing home who has been injured while wandering or eloping, it is strongly recommended that you hire a lawyer. Your attorney will examine the situation and see whether elements of abuse or neglect created an unsafe situation for your loved one, leading them to injure themselves through wandering and elopement.

Physical Injuries Suffered Through Wandering and Elopement

Wandering and elopement can expose nursing home residents to a range of physical injuries. Residents may trip, slip, or fall while attempting to leave the facility unsupervised, resulting in fractures, head injuries, and bruises. In some cases, residents may encounter hazardous objects or obstacles during their wandering, leading to cuts, bruises, or other injuries. Additionally, wandering outside the facility exposes residents to external dangers, such as traffic accidents or exposure to extreme weather conditions, increasing the risk of severe injuries.

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Life-Threatening Injuries Suffered at Nursing Homes

 Posted on December 14,2023 in Nursing Home Abuse

Cook County nursing home injury lawyersMany nursing home residents are vulnerable to a range of life-threatening injuries that directly threaten the health and well-being of residents. We will explore four specific types of injuries that pose the most significant risks to nursing home residents in Illinois. A better understanding of these injuries and the complications surrounding them is important for ensuring the safety of nursing home residents is paramount in their facility. And remember, if you have a loved one who has suffered from a serious injury at a nursing home, contact a lawyer to obtain timely and helpful legal representation

Top Four Serious Injuries Suffered in Nursing Homes

  1. Falls and fractures – Falls are a primary concern for older individuals, especially those in nursing homes. The fact of the matter is that as we advance in age, our bones become more brittle and susceptible to fractures. Such injuries, such as hip fractures, can lead to various complications, including infections, blood clots, and decreased mobility. Sadly, even mild falls can lead to severe complications, which makes falls and the resulting fractures serious injuries that can take place in a nursing home.

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Lack of Fall Precautions in Nursing Homes May Suggest Neglect

 Posted on December 07,2023 in Nursing Home Abuse

shutterstock_145126192-min.jpgNursing homes play a vital role in providing care and support to people in later stages of their life. However, when proper fall precautions are not implemented, it can be a sign of potential neglect within the facility. Falls are a serious concern for older adults, often leading to painful, nagging injuries and a decline in overall health. Suppose you have a loved one who was injured in a falling incident at a nursing home or perhaps has fallen more than once at their facility; consider contacting an attorney in Illinois. While some falls occur by accident, other falls may be a sign of a more insidious problem.

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How Serious Are Breathing Tube Injuries in Nursing Homes?

 Posted on November 30,2023 in Nursing Home Abuse

IL injury lawyerBreathing tube injuries can have severe consequences for nursing home residents, and their occurrence raises concerns about potential abuse and neglect. If someone you love has been seriously injured by one instance of a breathing tube injury or several instances, it may be worth taking a closer look at. To examine the situation further, consider contacting a dedicated lawyer in Illinois. Your lawyer will uncover the facts of the case and work to bring you and your family answers as to whether abuse and neglect are occurring to your loved one. 

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Wet Floors Lead to Dangerous Nursing Home Falls

 Posted on November 22,2023 in Nursing Home Abuse

IL injury lawyerFalls are a significant concern for older individuals, especially those living in nursing home facilities. One common reason for these falls is wet floors within the facility. If you have a loved one living in a nursing home who was recently injured in a slip and fall type incident, you should consider consulting with a lawyer in Illinois. While a wet floor slip-and-fall may sound like a harmless accident, it may be a sign of neglectful conduct on the part of employees of the nursing home. A nursing home with a neglectful staff often leads to preventable injuries suffered by those who, when injured, require a longer recovery period. 

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Joliet Nursing Home Resident Beaten to Death by Other Patient

 Posted on November 21,2023 in Physical Abuse

Joliet nursing home injury lawyer

Recently, tragedy struck at a nursing home in Joliet, Illinois. When two residents of Salem Village Nursing and Rehabilitation became involved in a dispute over a washing machine, one man physically attacked the other. The attacker reportedly punched the other man in the head several times and struck him with his own walker, causing him to fall to the floor. While a staff member attempted to intervene, they were unable to prevent the victim from suffering injuries in the attack.

Following the attack, the victim, a 61-year-old man, died of his injuries. The perpetrator, a 71-year-old resident of the nursing home, was taken into custody by police and charged with first-degree murder and aggravated battery of a person over the age of 60. This incident highlights the risks that nursing home residents may face, especially when they have health issues that may increase the likelihood of suffering serious or fatal injuries due to issues such as physical abuse. Families of those who have been injured or killed while residing in nursing homes can work with an attorney to determine their legal options.

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Top Three Causes for Wrongful Death in Nursing Homes

 Posted on November 15,2023 in Nursing Home Abuse

IL injury lawyerWrongful death cases in nursing homes are heartbreaking and often arise from preventable causes. When a loved one passes away due to negligence or abuse, it is crucial to understand the primary causes behind these tragic incidents. If your loved one has passed away in a nursing home due to reasons you believe were avoidable, contact a qualified lawyer in Illinois to pursue justice for your dearly departed relative. 

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Can Choking Negligence Lead to Serious Nursing Home Injuries?

 Posted on November 08,2023 in Nursing Home Abuse

IL injury lawyerNursing homes have a legal and ethical responsibility to provide a safe and secure environment for their residents. Instances of choking negligence can lead to severe injuries and constitute a significant number of nursing home abuse and neglect cases. If you have a loved one in a nursing home and they have suffered from episodes of choking, negligence may be the cause. In such cases, contacting a lawyer is likely a wise decision, as getting in front of the issue can ensure that measures are taken to prevent such situations from occurring in the future. 

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Do Burns Constitute a Form of Nursing Home Abuse?

 Posted on October 30,2023 in Nursing Home Abuse

Chicago Nursing Home Abuse LawyerNursing home abuse is a disturbing and all-too-common issue across Illinois, targeting the most vulnerable members of our society. While many people associate nursing home abuse with physical violence or neglect, it is important to recognize that burns can also constitute a form of abuse. If you believe your loved one is suffering from nursing home abuse related to being burned, contact a lawyer right away.

Recognizing Nursing Home Abuse

First, it is important to recognize that nursing home abuse encompasses a wide range of actions or inactions that cause harm to residents. Specifically, burns fall under the category of physical abuse and can result from intentional harm, neglect, or inadequate care. 

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What Constitutes Sexual Abuse in Nursing Home Facilities?

 Posted on October 23,2023 in Nursing Home Abuse

Chicago Nursing Home Abuse LawyerDefining and recognizing sexual abuse in nursing home facilities is crucial for protecting vulnerable residents from egregious conduct. Suppose you believe your loved one is being sexually abused in their nursing home. In that case, there are crucial steps you can take to ensure that the abuse not only stops, but those responsible for the sexual abuse are held accountable for their terrible actions. The first step you need to take if you think your loved one is being sexually abused is to hire a lawyer. While nothing can take away the abuse they have already suffered, your Illinois lawyer will help you take the necessary steps to ensure such abuse never occurs to your loved one again.

Three Primary Forms of Sexual Abuse in Nursing Homes

Here are the three most common forms of sexual abuse in nursing homes, including:

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